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October 1, 2024

Ownership and commercial use FAQ

Check out the latest guidelines regarding ownership and commercial use in Recraft.

We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and provided detailed answers regarding the ownership and commercial use of content created in Recraft. We hope this will help you choose the right plan and maximize your use of our creative tools.

By understanding these new rules, you'll have clarity on using Recraft for personal and professional projects, allowing you to benefit from our product.

Updated rules regarding ownership and commercial use in Recraft have come into effect in connection with the Terms of Service update on August 12, 2024. All images generated under the free subscription in Recraft before August 12, 2024, can be used for commercial purposes. However, you do not have ownership rights to these images — they remain the property of Recraft. If you were on the free plan and had a commercial license for your content, the Terms of Service update on August 12, 2024, now means that you retain a commercial license only for images generated before August 12. You do not have ownership, and Recraft retains the rights to these images.

Commercial License vs Ownership: What’s the Difference?

Commercial License

A commercial license grants you permission to use someone else’s intellectual property for commercial purposes (e.g., for your business activities, such as marketing materials, product packaging, advertisements, and more), but you are not permitted to sell the content or transfer ownership rights - because you don't have any.


Ownership implies full legal control and exclusive rights over an asset, allowing you to use it however you wish. This includes selling it on stock platforms, transferring the rights or commercial license to someone else, or even giving up those rights completely.

Free Plan to Paid Plan: Do I Own My Creations After Upgrading?

Q: If I subscribe to a paid plan, will I gain ownership of the images I created on the free plan? I want to use the images I generated before subscribing.

A: The answer is no. Ownership, commercial rights, and privacy of images are established at the time of generation. If you didn't have a subscription when those images were created, you do not own them. As a result, they remain publicly visible and do not carry commercial rights even after you purchase a paid plan. However, all images generated under paid plan will have full commercial rights and will remain private.

Q: After upgrading from the free to a paid plan, how can I confirm ownership of the images I created previously?

A: Unfortunately, there is no ownership of assets created under the free plan. Only assets generated after upgrading to a paid plan will grant you full ownership.

Q: How can I assure my clients that assets made with the free plan are uniquely mine?

A: Assets created under the free plan are not owned by you. For complete ownership and assurance to your clients, images created under a paid subscription are fully owned by you, as confirmed by our Terms of Service.

Q: Will the images I created before subscribing still belong to Recraft after I purchase a subscription? If so, is there a way to buy ownership of those images

A: The images you created before subscribing will still belong to Recraft. Unfortunately, there isn’t an option to purchase ownership of those images. Ownership, commercial rights, and privacy of images are established at the time of generation. If you didn't have a subscription when those images were created, you do not own them. Please note that these images are publicly available.

Q: Does Recraft own the rights to the vectorized image I created using the free plan?

A: Ownership, commercial rights, and privacy of images are established at the time of generation. If you didn't have a subscription when those images were created, you do not own them.

Q: Is there any expiration date or limitation on how long I can use the free plan?

A: No, there are no expiration dates or limitations on how long you can use the free plan.

Copyright Clarification

Q: Can you clarify the copyright and ownership rights for paid subscribers? 

A: With a paid subscription, you own all generated assets and have full commercial rights. This means you can use them in any way you like, whether it’s for marketing campaigns, branding strategies, or any other aspect of your professional projects. For example, if you create a logo, you own it and can use it across your business, including on websites, social media, promotional materials, and more. You own all Assets you create with the Services, and Recraft hereby assigns to you all copyright rights it may have in the Assets subject to the following restriction: Assets may not be used to train artificial intelligence models, systems or networks, or similar technology. Until these are implemented, referring to the current terms and conditions for paid subscriptions is the best way to demonstrate your commercial rights.

Q: Can I sell Recraft-generated images on stock websites, even if I don’t have a paid subscription?

A: Without a subscription, images are owned by Recraft, and stock websites usually require ownership to sell images. If you have a subscription, you have full ownership and commercial rights to any generation. Images in the gallery cannot be used commercially by free users, and can be used commercially by paid users.

Q: Can I sell images on stock websites if I purchase a pro subscription and generate them through Recraft, considering that stock platforms usually require ownership?

A: Stock websites typically require ownership of the images to sell them, which is granted with a paid subscription. However, it's best to review the specific terms of each stock service separately.

Q: Do you offer an API, and what rights will I have if I use it?

A: Yes, we have an API, currently available in test mode. If you purchase access to the API and generate images through it, you will fully own the generated content.

Q: Can I use images to create NFTs?

A: A commercial license is required to create NFTs. By opting for a paid subscription, you'll gain both a commercial license and ownership rights, allowing you to legally create and monetize NFTs from the images. Be sure to review the service's terms for more details.

Q: If I’m using images for English lessons, is that considered commercial use, or does it count as non-commercial?

A: Using images for English lessons can be considered commercial use if those lessons are part of a paid service, course, or product or if the images are used to promote such services. This includes paid tutoring sessions, online courses, or educational materials generating revenue. However, if you’re using the images purely for non-profit, personal teaching, or freely accessible content without any financial gain or promotion, it may be considered non-commercial. To ensure compliance with our terms, we recommend using a paid subscription if your lessons have commercial aspects.

Q: Can I use the generated images to train and teach my own AI?

A: Assets may not be used to train artificial intelligence models, systems, networks or similar technology. Any breach of these restrictions shall result in the immediate termination of this Agreement, and all rights granted to you shall revert to Recraft.

What Happens to My Images if I Cancel My Subscription?

Q: Will I keep the rights to images generated with a paid plan after canceling my subscription?

A: If you had an active paid subscription at the time the images were generated, you retain full ownership and commercial rights to those images, even if you cancel your subscription later. Ownership is determined at the moment of creation, so you can continue to resell and use the images after cancellation.

Q: If I subscribe for 1 or 2 months and then cancel, will I still own the images I generated during that time and have the right to use them commercially?

A: After your subscription ends, you will retain ownership, privacy and commercial rights to the images created while your subscription is active. While you can still use these images commercially, please note that you will lose access to the creative upscale feature that enhances images as well as some other paid functions. The commercial rights and ownership of images are established when they are generated. If you did not have a paid plan after the update, then unfortunately, you do not have commercial rights for those images and cannot use them commercially — however, any images generated while on a paid plan will have commercial rights.

Q: Will I own any images I modify during the paid subscription period, and will they remain private?

A: Your images are private on paid plans and will stay private after you cancel any subscription. The visibility of your resources is determined at the moment of generation based on your plan.

Visibility of Free Plan Images

Q: Will the images I upload and vectorize with the free plan automatically be visible in the community gallery? 

A: Images you upload to vectorize or remove background are not published in the community gallery.

Q: Will the images I upload and remove the background with the free plan automatically be visible in the community gallery? 

A: Yes, images you upload and manipulate with the free plan will automatically be visible in the community gallery. Additionally, Recraft retains ownership of these images as long as they comply with our terms and are not owned by a third party.

Q: I have a free plan. Are deleted images permanently removed from public access and your servers?

A: No, deleted images are not permanently removed and may still be visible in the gallery.

If you still have any questions, you can contact support at

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