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AI wallpaper inspiration

Looking for AI wallpaper ideas? Jump into the community gallery to see all the beautiful AI art and desktop backgrounds created by Recrafters.

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How the AI wallpaper generator works

Transform your PC or phone background with custom wallpaper that's effortlessly you. Create detailed images with Recraft's advanced AI tools using the text-to-image prompt. Choose any wallpaper style from our rich style library or make your own. Ready to generate your own images and AI art? Here's how in just four steps:
Select a wallpaper style or create one.
Recraft's style library offers the most popular styles. Each style is thoughtfully selected based on its relevance, usability, and alignment with the needs of its users. You can select from there or create your own for more control over your AI-generated image.
Type a text prompt.
Choose between a raster or vector image. Then, tell Recraft how you want your AI image to look with the text prompt. Generate up to six images at once.
Generate AI wallpaper and edit.
Hit Recraft to generate image(s). Edit the colors, dimensions and details until they're just right.
Export in any format.
Select one or more images and export as JPG, PNG or SVG in one click.

Picture-perfect wallpapers for any device

Tired of stretched or cropped wallpapers? Recraft's AI wallpaper generator lets you create images that seamlessly fit on any device. Simply adjust the aspect ratios of your images or hand-pick the dimensions and generate high-quality images every time.

Generate AI images and wallpapers in any style

Create images no one else has with the most powerful AI tools online. Whether you want photorealistic, hand-drawn or illustrated wallpapers, Recraft has you covered. You can even create a unique style for more control over your artistic expression.
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