Design a vector image featuring a bag of money positioned centrally. Place a currency symbol underneath, and above it, incorporate a security umbrella to symbolize reliability and trust. Add a shield surrounding the bag of money with a check mark inside, serving as a guarantee icon. Use the following color scheme: #FFD200 for the bag of money, #F68A00 for the currency symbol, #F37200 for the security umbrella, #FFF4E7 for the shield background, and #000000 for strokes and details. Ensure the ove
Design a vector image featuring a bag of money positioned centrally. Place a currency symbol underneath, and above it, incorporate a security umbrella to symbolize reliability and trust. Add a shield surrounding the bag of money with a check mark inside, serving as a guarantee icon. Use the following color scheme: #FFD200 for the bag of money, #F68A00 for the currency symbol, #F37200 for the security umbrella, #FFF4E7 for the shield background, and #000000 for strokes and details. Ensure the ove
Vector imageAspect ratio: 1:1
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