Bouquet of Desert cactus Flowers: A hand holding a bunch of elongated desert cactus flowers, tied together loosely near the bottom of the stems. The cactus flowers are detailed with petals and stamens, suggesting a wild and natural look. The design should be in the shape of a semicircle. The background should be white, in vector design, with clean lines, suitable for the coloring book.The design should be simple, plain and contain few details. The lines should be very clear and thick. The design
Bouquet of Desert cactus Flowers: A hand holding a bunch of elongated desert cactus flowers, tied together loosely near the bottom of the stems. The cactus flowers are detailed with petals and stamens, suggesting a wild and natural look. The design should be in the shape of a semicircle. The background should be white, in vector design, with clean lines, suitable for the coloring book.The design should be simple, plain and contain few details. The lines should be very clear and thick. The design
Vector imageAspect ratio: 1:1Level of detail: Extreme
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